Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Forms and Conventions: Clips from TV show or film

Although it is possible that the exam text could be a short clip from a much longer film or TV show, this is extremely unlikely since without seeing the whole thing it would be very difficult to make much useful analysis.  Also the exam board would run the risk that some candidates would have seen the whole thing and some wouldn't, meaning it would not be a level playing field.  However just in case they have a moment of madness, here are a few pointers:

  • If it's fiction think GENRE.  Once you've identified the genre, you can identify the conventions.
  • Always look for aspects of the narrative - what do we learn about characters, setting and plot
  • It's a moving image text so moving image terminology is essential.  Revise it.  Know it!  The BBC GCSE Bitesize page for moving image is a nice concise revision tool:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/english/writingtoanalyse/filmlanguagerev1.shtml
  • Read the blurb that is included in the exam paper very carefully.  It will contain essential clues about the media text that you are watching such as what it's from and when it was broadcast
As I said, this is very unlikely but you never know!  Another blog to follow with revision tasks.

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