The trailer of the film “Thor” created by marvel films, incorporates many elements of both fantasy and action trailers.
The first 30 seconds of the trailer can be classed as a typical action trailer. Dark colours are used to create a silhouette and set a grim mood. The silhouette of the main character helps build suspense for the audience, this suspense is also furthered by the fading black in and out of camera shots. One could say that this teases the audience because of the limited glimpses at the trailer, and that the silhouette gives uncertainty. There is nothing to suggest that the character is good or evil, thus building up suspense in order to find out. Suspense is often used in the thriller and action genre. In addition to the theme of action this there are glimpses of physical violence, yet another key theme of the genre. There is also non diegetic sound used in a voice over asking how the protagonist gained his power. This may intrigue the audience because of the subtle implications, making them want to see the film.
The trailer then goes into a traditional fantasy format. It does this at 0:47 seconds by using CGI to create a fantasy setting including two moons and otherworldly architecture. This immediately distinguishes that the trailer is also fantasy because of the surrealism. In addition to this, extreme long shot angles are used so that the audience can take in the surreal surroundings, and mid shots are used on the characters to highlight their costumes which would stand out from the action genre.
By combining two genres the trailer appeals to a wider audience and makes it stand out in both genres. One could argue that the suspense created by the camera angles in the first part of the trailer creates a more grown up fantasy theme because it highlights uncertainty on weather the subject follows the traditional morally good fantasy protagonist.
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