Monday, 4 April 2011

Welcome to the final countdown!

Dear A Level Students

Welcome to what will now be an exam revision blog.  Every Monday to Friday over the Easter holidays, starting on Monday 11th April, I will make a blog post about a different media concept or theory that you need to revise.  I will end the blog by suggesting a task that you could undertake.  This might be a research, practical or written task and you do not have to do them all, but obviously if you want to do well in your exam, this might be a good idea!

There will be 15 blog posts in total and I hope that you will follow them all, read them carefully, watch any videos that I post, and try to undertake the tasks I set you.  If you want to send me work to have a look at, please send it to my school email address and I will try to get back to you ASAP.

In addition to this delightful blog, I hope that you will all be able to attend the "coursework bringing together" day that is scheduled for Wednesday 27th April.  Please note that this is called the "coursework bringing together" day and not the "frantically trying to get my coursework done at the last possible minute so Emma has 2 hours to mark the whole thing and send it to the exam board" day.  I expect you to have done plenty of work leading up to this day!

A reminder that your finished coursework portfolio will contain:

Research...including information condensed from your blog and annotated texts that have informed your design work.

Pre-production...including hand drawn designs, storyboards, unedited still images - anything that is going to help the examiner understand the design decisions you have made.  If you're not sure what your storyboard should look like, this is an exemplar one from the exam board:

Production might want to use the session on Wednesday 27th to burn things to DVD, add labels or colour print in A3.  The school has the resources to do all of this.

Supporting should all have a copy of the suggested plan for this.  If you don't, email me and I will send you the file. 

If you put the effort in over Easter you have a good shot at doing well in your exam.  If you don't put the effort in over Easter you have a good shot at failing your exam.  It's as simple as that.

Good Luck Bear


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